"My demons though quiet,
are never quite silenced.
Calm as they may be,
they wait patiently
for a reason to wake,
take an overdue breath….
and crawl back into my ear."
- Imani
are never quite silenced.
Calm as they may be,
they wait patiently
for a reason to wake,
take an overdue breath….
and crawl back into my ear."
- Imani
The series portrayed as the characters struggle with their "demons"
inhumanity beasts, locked and fight to leave them hidden, yet somehow,
they accept that part, leaving something to display.
Main Ideas
Rhetoric handle objects saved something, and that even the well-chained
to make sure that this saved.
The system is the idea person + object or object, which is the relationship
you have with the first and second handle from a rhetorical place four pieces
in this conjunction, where man works as poster displays and chest (chest)
on the inputs would be a door objects, a house, and a camera linked to
its respective person, the more links pochoclera as an independent object
which has a draft, allowing you to see that inner monster and finally the
promotional item, links an ideology of the time, which weighed the camera
caught the soul in the picture, making the soul connection with a real part
of us and we took inside.



A little variation of colors, just for fun.